Intermediate Class


Fencers who have completed the Beginner’s Class and who wish to continue fencing may sign up for our 6-week Intermediate Class. Participants will get the opportunity to work on the skills they learned in the Beginner’s Class and to add some new ones, including attacks with preparation, circular parries, counter ripostes and compound attacks. The emphasis will be on semi-free fencing, where fencers must apply certain specific skills to their bouts. 

General Information and FAQs

What kind of fencing experience do I need?
Participants must have completed the Metro Blades Beginner’s Class or have some prior fencing experience.

What’s the format?
Instruction is offered in group class format only. We do not offer private lessons for intermediates. Classes range from 6 to 12 participants.

How much does it cost?
$100 for a 6-week course for participants who have completed the Metro Blades Beginner’s Class. $145 for other participants. (Both fees include one-year membership to the Ontario Fencing Association.)

Do I need my own fencing equipment?
Yes. Participants who join the Intermediate Class must have their own equipment.

When and were do I go?
Classes are held Friday nights only, 6:30–7:30 pm. Intermediate class will start the week following the end of the Beginner’s Class.

Classes are held at the National Ballet School, 400 Jarvis Street, two blocks east and 1 block south of Wellesley subway station.

How do I register?
The vast majority of people who register for the Intermediate Class have completed the Beginner’s Class. To sign up, simply let your instructor know. If you took the Beginner’s Class some time ago and would like to return to fencing, please contact us by email at