

Matthew Chan

Matthew Chan One of the original founding members of Metro Blades, Matthew was head coach of Metro Blades. An extremely experienced former competitive fencer, he participated in the 1972 & 1976 Olympics, the 1974 & 1978 Asian Games for both individual and team events. He also participated in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics as a referee. In Memoriam.

Raymond Chan

Raymond Chan A senior coach at Metro Blades, Raymond trained in Hong Kong and has been fencing for over 25 years. He has been coaching at Metro Blades for more than 15 years and is skilled in both foil and epee in the classical style of the French school.

 Trainers and Assistants


 Club Executive

  Club President … Lucie Hamelin
Vice President … Robert Indrigo
Treasurer/Secretary … Hugh Ranalli
Beginner Class Coordinator … Lucie Hamelin
Equipment/Armourer … Robert Indrigo
Website … Scott Mitchell