Metroblades is a not-for-profit, volunteer-operated club. In keeping with our goals, we strive to keep our membership fees at an affordable level.
Our club membership fees are $450 per year or $50 per month for short-term membership (2019-2020). Our fees include access to all practice locations and group classes (except beginners and intermediate classes). Club fees are due each January 1st of each year.
For those who have no fencing experience, we require that you take a beginner’s class, either at Metro Blades or another club, prior to joining as a member at our club.
Visiting Fencers
Visiting fencers from other clubs are always welcome to join us on any practice night.
All visitors must have a valid OFA/CFF/FIE/USFA licence.
If you have a limited amount of experience, or haven’t fenced for a long time and wonder if you should take the beginner class as a refresher course, please contact us for an assessment.